
Temporary Closing

We will be closed at least through April 19th. This will allow time for staff development as well! However, you can still shop ONLINE!

RAIL $5 5K

.eltd-content li { list-style-type: disclosure-closed; } Join us every Monday night for our $5 5k run/walk. Everyone is invited! Walkers, runners, strollers, dogs, and more! No need to pre-register. You will sign the waiver and pay $5 in cash for the registration fee at the door. Here are a few tips to keep things running […]

Spring Classic

Spring Classic May 7th- Run and volunteer opportunities

Mental Health Awareness $5 5K

.eltd-content li { list-style-type: disclosure-closed; }Join us every Monday night for our $5 5k run/walk. Everyone is invited! Walkers, runners, strollers, dogs, and more! No need to pre-register. You will sign the waiver and pay $5 in cash for the registration fee at the door. Here are a few tips to keep things running smoothly: […]


Soldier’s Field Wednesday May 11th 6pm

Stay Out of the Sun Foundation $5 5k Fundraiser

.eltd-content li { list-style-type: disclosure-closed; }Join us every Monday night for our $5 5k run/walk. Everyone is invited! Walkers, runners, strollers, dogs, and more! No need to pre-register. You will sign the waiver and pay $5 in cash for the registration fee at the door. Here are a few tips to keep things running smoothly: […]


Soldier’s Field Wednesday May 18 6pm

Stay Out of the Sun Packet Pick Up

Stay Out of the Sun Packet Pick up Wednesday May 18 10-3pm at TerraLoco. Thursday May 19 3-7 pm at TerraLoco